Monday 11 April 2011

Here we are, again

Hi everyone! After almost two years of silence I'm here again to update this blog. I saw you kept visiting the blog even if the last post dates back to mid 2009 so thank you very very much (we have almost reached 30.000 visits, which is not bad at all). Many things have changed in these years, but we're still here, with a lot of new ideas for the blog. You'll see in the next few days.
I want to thank the people who sent me their pics in these two years. I'm sorry I haven't published them. Now that we're back here, please send me your sprintstar pics, questions, ads or anything else about sprintstars to:
If you send me your pics, please add a description so that I can make a post for you on the blog.
So, tell your friends we're back at work, and keep visiting our blog!!!!

Cheers :-)

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