Monday, 11 April 2011

First IMPORTANT updates!!!

Ok, after 2 years of silence these first days I'm going to write quite a lot, just to let you know the avalnche of new features available on the blog, so here you can find a brief list of what I changed up to now:

- Changed the appearance of the home page and of the link list. It's a dynamic list so the link to your blog will be on top if you regularly update your blog!!!

- New pics and new posts (I have my mailbox full of Sprintstar pics you sent me in the last 2 years, so be prepared to A LOT of awesome pics!!!! (sorry for late)

- New e-mail address: You can use it for questions, for doubts, if you want to send pics or anything else.

By the way, I want to remind you that there are 3 ways to post your pics or questions on this blog: The first one is sending pics and description to the mail address above. The second one is writing an email to the same address asking me to allow you to post on the blog so you'll be able to post the pics yourself. The third way is attaching the pics and the description to the posts I'm writing in all the biggest VW forums around the world.

- New FACEBOOK page!!!! Come and visit it, leave a comment and click on "I like it"!!!!


- New "sharing" feature! you can now share theblog posts on Facebook, Twitter and the other most important social networks!!!

Do you like all these features??? Do you have suggestions about how to make the blog better??? Please comment!!!!

MANY more features are yet to come.... STAY TUNED!!!

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